Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Beach house Partners

From the Director of Myrtle Beach Tours……..

Sometimes things just pop up as an idea. And, with the internet, it can be rolled out to all of our fans. After 20 years of providing student beach weeks, an annual enrollment of nearly 8000 in 2008, a well seasoned staff, and an accommodating beach town, we are putting forth

“Beach House Partners”

This is not really a new idea, when I was in college at George Mason University in the 80’s, people were renting beach houses in Dewey Beach for the whole summer. They would take the total price, divide it into shares, and then sell those shares to friends at school. They would have a summer long party, heading for the beach every day and weekend off they could get. It became more elaborate with guest rules, party planning, theme weekends, schedules, officers, etc. You can Google, “beach house shares”, and see what is happening at Dewey today.

This concept is not poplar yet in North Myrtle beach, we aim to bring the concept here for 2009.

Our situation:

Our Student season is Packed!!!! But, our season ends the last week of June. So, as a result, we have houses vacant July and August. We have been fiddling around try to make use of these unfilled weeks for twenty years, never really filling the houses to capacity.

Our solution:

We will offer houses from July4th through Labor Day for a low fixed cost. We are hoping to find “Partners” that will reserve these places and make a go of creating their own “Beach House Partnership” All of our places are in the same two blocks, so it should provide a great atmosphere for a truly all summer long party.

Added Bonus - “A Summer Job”

We just formed a partnership with a guy in a fraternity. He booked a house that sleeps 16 people. He is selling shares to his brothers, an easy job since his fraternity is 125 strong. But, he has taken it a step further. Through clever financial figuring, he lowered the per person price he was going to charge, he sold shares to extra people, and is setting up a schedule so there are not too many people in the house at one time. The end result is a “Profit”. That’s right, I didn’t think of it until he did it. It’s brilliant! These guys live around South Carolina. They work all summer and try to stay in touch over face book. Now they have a rendezvous at the beach. There will be people coming and going at the beach every day, and a managing partner running the house as a job- Scheduling cleaning, cutting the yard, and organizing parties, working out bar nights and discounts with the local bars. And- making some $$$ for the next semester.

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