Saturday, October 29, 2011

How To Survive Winter...

Myrtle Beach Winter Wear
Here at the beach a lot of us aren't exactly crazy about wintertime. I mean, c'mon...we live here because we love the sun, sand & surf. NOT snow, sleet & slush! It's true that our winter is milder than most places in this great country of ours, but it can still get cold enough for chilling around the fire pit with a hot coffee spiked with Bailey's.>
So what helps us make it through those long winter days? Planning for Spring Break and Beach Weeks for the next season, of course!!

We're fixing up units that got the beat-down from last seasons parties, making connections with night clubs for free cover charges, and best of all, fixing up lots of you with the best party houses for you and your friends!!

Jump on the bandwagon to better weather now so you still get your preferred pick for party property! (Say that 3 times fast while eating pumpkin pie!)

Or visit our website: Myrtle Beach Tours
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